Realty SignPost's Miss Utility Policy Compliance Letter
March 7th, 2014
To our Valued Customers:
We are making minor updates to our install order placement process, in order to better manage Miss Utility requirments.
The changes are as follows:
1. When you place an install order, you will be asked if you want us to call Miss Utility to mark the address for utilities.
2. If you answer yes, your install date will be delayed three business days, to allow Miss Utility time to mark the property. The normal installation window (two business day installation window for our core service area) will begin after the three business day delay.
NOTE: This means that your order may take up to a week to be completed to meet the Miss Utility requirements.
3. If you answer no, you will be asked if there is a lamp in the yard, and if the lamp is gas.
4. If there is a gas lamp, we will delay the install date by three business days, and call Miss Utility. The normal installation window (two business day installation window for our core service area) will begin after the three business day delay.
NOTE: This means that your order may take up to a week to be completed to meet the Miss Utility requirements.
5. If there is no gas lamp at the property, things will be as they currently are, and we will install the signpost as quickly as possible.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about these changes.
The Real Estate Sign Post is a small part of your Real Estate business...but it is our only business. We strive to please!

Douglas Myers and Ryan W. Myers
Brothers and Co-Owners, Realty SignPost